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We want to share the love of Christ by serving our community and proclaiming the Gospel. We know that when we are in real relationships with God and others we will find real hope.
Home: Welcome
Our Roots
Refuge is a place for people to come enjoy authentic relationships with each other and Christ and as an overflow of God's love we will serve this amazing community. The core of our efforts is to love and serve our community for Christ. Through all of our endeavors we want to be a church where people have their lives radically moved by the love of Jesus!
Home: Who We Are

“We love each other because he loved us first”
1 John 4:19
Home: Quote
Get in touch with Refuge to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.
P.O. Box 320
113 South Main Street
Joliet, MT 59041, USA
Home: Contact
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